Securing Brackets to Walls
Securing bracketry to supporting structures is primarily dependent upon the condition of the proposed structure. To this end, the methods employed for securing the bracketry should be decided upon by the designers and installers for each project on an individual basis dependent upon the design and condition of the structure in the desired location.
It would be advisable to check the fixing requirements for each bracket (See HFDS107 – Product Tables) prior to placement of order to ensure suitability for the application and availability of the required fixings.
Vertical Pipework Support
For vertical soil and rainwater stacks load bearing brackets should be provided every 3m maximum at each floor level. These brackets should be securely fixed and tightened as the installation proceeds so as to adequately support the pipework and its contents and prevent unnecessary load at the base of the stack. Where fittings are installed within the vertical stack it is recommended that additional brackets are provided to ensure alignment of the pipework.

Stack Support Pipe
On multi storey buildings there may be a requirement for additional support in the form of stack support pipes, see table below. When installing stack support pipes these should be positioned at ground floor and every subsequent fifth floor where average floor to ceiling height is 2.5 metres.
We recommend either the Halifax Stack Support Console combined with a Stack Support Pipe or alternatively Cantilver Arms supporting a Stack Support Bracket and Stack Support Pipe (see illustrations for both).

Low Gradient Horizontal Pipework Support
BS EN 12056-2 Code of Practice advises the distance between pipe supports should not exceed 3 metres. We would however, recommend two brackets per 3 metre pipe length, the first being positioned within 500mm of coupling joint and the next to be maximum 2m spacing. This will aid installation and provide greater rigidity.

The normal recommendation for gradient on 100mm pipes is 1:40 minimum fall and 150mm pipes 1:60 minimum fall. The pipe should also be supported at every change of direction or branch connection and in some cases it may be necessary to provide a lateral brace at 12m intervals. The max length of threaded rod for a single drop bracket should be 750mm; for longer drops it is recommended two drop rods are utilized with a split band clip.

Acoustic Dampener
For best results the dampener bracket (HSD6703) should be used in conjunction with the Bismat bracket as indicated by the figures in the Technical Submittal Document (HFDS 075).
The dampener should be positioned with a 10mm gap between it and the supporting structure. A 16mm gap should then be left between the dampener and Bismat bracket. See image for indicative positions.